Monday, October 30, 2017

His Precedence Might Be Worse Than His Presidency

It is not Donald Trump's presidency that worries me so much as it is his precedence. I do not mean to make light of  the ravage of mental illness  when I say that every individual who's been diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic, to have sociopaths tendencies, or with bipolar disorder, or even Alzheimer's will point to Trump's presidency as grounds for joining the political fray.  He is the all bets are off President. He has brought change to Washington, and has made it unrecognizable.

There is nothing that can go without saying, nothing we can assume to be common knowledge, not during a Trump presidency. Trump is the most prolific liar the country has ever seen. Like a college frat boy going on an alcohol escapade--commonly referred to as a Bender--Trump goes on "Fact-Benders", and I think is literally intoxicated by his lies.  For the most part, his lies border on ridiculous, the incomprehensible or the just downright dumb. However, Trump makes up for the quality of his lies with the mind numbing volume with which he serves them up; over the past 10 months, Trump Fact-Checkers might have the highest rates of carpal tunnel among all occupations in the country.  From his inane assertions that former President Obama was not a U.S. Citizen, or that he was spied on by said administration, to his comments about the size of his inauguration crowd being the largest in history, he is a ridiculous, dangerous, man.

This Trump presidency is a memorial to the confluence of greed and opportunism that gripped, just about, every major news outlet in the country who propped him up and, whose incessant, coverage suggested that he be taken seriously as a viable option for our nation's highest elected office. Shame on you. May sleep elude you and if it should find you may you dream of killer oranges that tell you they're apples.
Right now, our country is being held hostage, and our congress is watching. Note, after the media's complicity in bringing us the factless one, the other travesty of Trump's presidency is the silence of Republican legislators. They full well know the man at the helm is not qualified to be President. He possesses, at best, a basic command and facility of the English language. Question: what does an atheist dinner and Donald Trump have in common? Neither have grace. He is the first President who if it were reported that he called a congressman, or a reporter, or the Domino's pizza delivery guy a Doodie head it would probably go unquestioned.

From the barbs and insults shot at his competition back on the campaign trail to his present attacks on members of his own party there seems to be nothing he will not say.

Donald Trump's presidency, almost a year in, is still generating a wide variety of responses, ranging from comical disbelief to irrational denial--as if posting "not my president" on your social media profile would interrupt his daily security briefings or take the nuclear football out of his hands. There's also a contingent of folks who were excited at the outset and believed they had elected a genuine agent of change; they saw in Trump someone who was going to shake Washington up, and look out for the best interest of all the "Forgotten Americans." Some of them are beginning to reevaluate their rationale for supporting him, and some are retreating further into the cave of Trump.

For those ride or die Trumpers, there is nothing he could do that would burst their bubble of belief, nothing short of him putting on a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and taking a knee. But, for those who want to get out of the MAGA camp, you'd better find your own way out, because Trump isn't going to give you directions.

Image credit:
Gage Skidmore- Donald Trump

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